Friday, January 3, 2014

Week of December 30th-January 2, 2014

Both kitties like to lay close to my face. Pema snuggled up on my arm like this on his own.

Pema is obsessed with Tanzi. Here, he is approaching him, ready to fight. He was chasing his own tail though, so it didn't quite turn into a fight.

Pema loves going on top of the humidifier and seems to always turn on the night light on it. (Note Craig's CD pile also a huge mess because of the kittens).

Like Karma, Shiva's favorite toy is the headless furry "animal" and he hunts it nearly every day.

Not the best picture, but here's Shiva again with his furry toy. I wanted to capture that he likes to go underneath the blanket when it's hanging on the floor. That sometimes means he sits on my slippers and tickles my legs when the blanket is on my lap. I don't mind though.

1 comment:

Karis said...

Headless furry animal, I love it. It's interesting to see what cats love. Chianti is obsessed with cords, but Merlot could care less.