Sunday, May 18, 2014

Naughty kittens

After I left for work on Friday, this is what Craig came out to find. Shiva was acting like a crazy boy, rolling in the paper towel him and Pema just tore up. So naughty!

And then Shiva proceeded to be his cute, loving self later on.

I suspect Pema is the one who is obsessed with paper lately. I caught him playing with the pile of papers I was sorting on the floor.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Thunderstorms and Smoke Alarms

What an exciting night it has been! I came home to hear a beeping noise outside our house, realizing it was indeed our smoke alarm going off. Luckily, there was no fire and I think the difference between the cooler basement and the humid upstairs just set it off. But, the poor cats may have been stuck with the alarm going off all day. Ugh, the fun never ends lately!

Later on this evening, we had thunderstorms that included lots of hail, lightning and thunder. Pema is intrigued by the storms, like his daddy, and Shiva and I want to run and hide. Tanzi is too old to even notice the storms, that or he is deaf from the smoke alarm going off all day.

Other cute photos of the boys:

Pema loved my DSW box! It was the perfect size for the kittens.

Both kittens like kale, probably for its unique texture more than anything.

Shiva is a little dolly, as always.

Cuddling in bed with daddy. He loves going in our bedroom, which we close off every day, so it's a treat for the cats.

Shiva again in a typical position.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Spring bunnies and relaxing

Well, last week, we felt like total failures in the cat parent department. That or we have a killer kitty on our hands. Long story short--if you have a cat that likes to climb on top of your oven, get child proof covers for your oven knobs. Shiva turned the gas on our stove and nearly blew up our house. I could even smell the gas outside the front and back doors. Luckily, all three cats were fine and we just had to air out the house for three plus hours before the gas company came to tell us we'd be ok sleeping in our house for the night and turning on the furnace.

On a happier note, the kitties saw their first bunny up close today and they were intrigued.

I loved the way Pema was sitting here with Tanzi. They look like they're having tea or something and chatting.

The kitties are sleeping more and more the older they get. Lately, it's been on top of me while I have my legs stretched out with a blanket on top.

So cute! It never gets old to me!