Monday, July 21, 2014

Misc. photos

Shiva sneaking around our bedroom.

Pema loves being underneath blankets. Shiva, not so much.

My colleague is a pet trainer at night and he suggested using the clicker and treats to train the kittens. We're just in the early stages, but he promises I could train the cats to turn off a light on a light switch!

Both kittens like to lay on top of pillows in this way.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Catching flies

Shiva is quite the little hunter. I think he's consumed about two or three flies so far this summer.

I accidentally let a fly in earlier today and they were enjoying watching it in our window.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Shiva's Toy Mouse Obsession

Here are some shots of Shiva and Pema with the newest toy mouse addition to our house. Shiva is especially obsessed with it and watches to see if any of us will "hunt" after him when he has the mouse. He growls when it's in his mouth and Pema or Tanzi gets close to him. It's so cute hearing a little sweet kitten growl really loudly like a dog!