Sunday, June 22, 2014

Photos of Pema

Pema and Shiva together, watching birds, as always

Pema concentrating

The boys recently started trying to open the kitchen cabinets, which has been lovely to wake up to at 5 a.m. I bought some childproof locks for the cabinets last week and that helped immensely. We also blocked the single cabinets with kitty litter. Our house continues to be dominated by the kittens and their antics.

I came upstairs from the basement the other day and saw this. Oh Pema. He loves my Apera gym bag. I have to put it away in the closet right away so he doesn't destroy it.

1 comment:

Karis said...

Love these photos! Our boys love opening cabinets too. The ones at our house had latches but our apartment cabinets are very easy to open, so we hear the cabinets banging as they go in and out of them.