Daddy is a jerk and leaves his papers on the stairs to go into the office. So Pema is a jerk in return and pulls them all down onto the ground and then meows.
Tanzi and Shiva like watching the little albino squirrel that visits us. Pema has no clue what's going on, even when I try to show him the squirrel.I attempted to do yoga without the cats bugging me. Well that never works now, does it?
Good thing he's a little baby faced cutie. I forgive him for wanting to do yoga with his mama.
I've been saying this a lot lately, so I kind of wanted to buy the sign at Marshall's.
I left a clean pile of laundry in the foyer and Pema managed to find it.
Shiva stretching in the sun.
I finally got a photo of Pema sticking his tongue out. I do this too when I am concentrating.
I was scanning family photos today and Shiva was my little genealogy buddy. He jumped on my back and stayed there for a while.