Sunday, July 12, 2015

Pema the "character"

Oh Pema-he always makes his way into any open bin, box or basket. 
The boys liked the little blanket fort I setup for them at the base of the couch.
 Pema posing.
 Shiva playing around this morning. He loves to jump on this cat condo and scratch on his side.
 Pema was posing again this morning.
Look at all of the silly things we use to block the cats from getting into the hall closet and the bedroom doors. It's ridiculous really. You should see it when we go on vacation for a couple of days. The doors have to be blocked by big tupperware containers.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Misc. photos late April-early May

Pema is the only cat that balances on the backs of our kitchen chairs. He is typically behind Craig while he eats breakfast. 

I came in from walking on freshly cut grass outside and Pema loved my shoes. We thought the smell of grass may have reminded him of cat nip.

Just like children, the cats always love a fresh, new toy and are obsessed with it for a couple of days. This time it was a neon green/yellow ball. 

Piled together for an afternoon nap.

I threw a whole bunch of clothes to be donated into a laundry basket and came out to find Pema enjoying it. 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

The Red Ball and Spring!

Hard to believe, but Tanzi celebrated his 9th birthday a couple of weeks ago, on March 23rd. Here are some recent pics of the kitties. I keep trying to get all three of them in shots as much as possible. 

Shiva watching birds.

Pema likes seeing the robins in our yard.

Pema being his crazy self.

Shiva smelling the fresh Spring air. It's not quite warm enough for the windows to be open all of the time, but when it does get into the 60's, we are sure to get some air circulating throughout the house.

Tanzi loves scratches and rubbing his head. With the kittens, he often is our shy guy, but we try to give him attention as much as possible too.

Pema's extroverted antics usually steal the show though.

Pema on the kitchen chair, acting like a weirdo again.

Monday, March 9, 2015

February and March 2015

The boys are ready for spring, like I am. We're all feeling a little cooped up and need fresh air flowing through this house. 

Notice my old Caboodle in the pictures below (with cardboard behind it). That is because we have naughty cats who want to get into all of our cabinets and we have to block them with various things. 

A fuzzy but cute picture of Pema.

Trying to sneak into the office. 

A red ball we got from Pet Supplies Plus yesterday is the hit of the house. Tanzi especially loves it, but Shiva keeps trying to steal it away from him.

Shiva liked my Door to Door Organics boxes!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

February 2015

Lots of funny photos of Pema in this post. He's quite the comedian.