Saturday, June 28, 2014

Shiva sitting strangely and new toys

Shiva loves to sit on top of my chair in the kitchen, especially if I am sitting there and eating something.

Craig picked up two new toys for the boys on Wednesday night: a fake mouse for Shiva, the hunter, and a crinkly foil ball for Pema, who could chase one of those for hours.

Upon showing Shiva the fake mouse, he went totally crazy and started growling immediately.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Tanzi's bedtime routine

Like Karma before him, Tanzi enjoys his established bedtime routine of sneaking into our bedroom (normally closed off to all cats) and crawling on the blankets. As you'll see from the photos below, it takes him a while to settle in.

Always wanting pets, which just irritates my cat allergies!

Turning around to come back towards his mama and settle closer to my face. :)

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Photos of Pema

Pema and Shiva together, watching birds, as always

Pema concentrating

The boys recently started trying to open the kitchen cabinets, which has been lovely to wake up to at 5 a.m. I bought some childproof locks for the cabinets last week and that helped immensely. We also blocked the single cabinets with kitty litter. Our house continues to be dominated by the kittens and their antics.

I came upstairs from the basement the other day and saw this. Oh Pema. He loves my Apera gym bag. I have to put it away in the closet right away so he doesn't destroy it.

Photos of Shiva

Shiva continues to be the shy (especially with strangers), but lovable kitty. He's so snuggly with me every day and that is what I really hoped for from one of the two boys when we adopted them.

If I venture outside to take pictures for the blog, he usually watches what I am doing. This time, he was trying to catch a bug inside. 

My mom sewed up his favorite mouse and he was so excited to be reconnected with it last weekend. What a goof.

Bam! He was trying to touch the camera lens!